I like being called exotic. Does that make me a bad feminist of colour?

In case you’ve missed the memo, calling someone exotic is not a compliment. As personal essays, academic articles and social media will tell you, the term reinforces white beauty standards, turning racialized people into outsiders, curiosities, and fetish objects. I understand this stance. As an Indian-Pakistani Muslim with brown skin Read more

The Women in the Kitchen on Thanksgiving Day

The women in the kitchen create Thanksgiving While the men sit on the couch and watch the game, Smoke cigars off the back porch, And hold the football between their hands On the lawn they swear they’ll mow tomorrow. The women in the kitchen covering the counter In white lily, Read more

Notes from the Patriarchy – Excerpts

There are no secrets. It’s just that many do not see the obvious. I hate it when people deny the obvious. Sometimes I hate the obvious, too. And here I am with my flashlight. Not flood lights. Not even a torch. Day after day we stumble around cloaked in insignificance, Read more