Author: Kira Stevens
"My name's Kira Stevens. I'm an 84-year-old soul in a 22-year-old body who's graduating (very much too soon) with a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Psychology and a minor in Creative Writing. In other words, I have no idea what I want to do with my life professionally, but either way, I'm a big fan of writing about all of the fun facts, as well as spreading all of the good vibes. I thrive on my blog, Words4Food. It's mostly active on Instagram and Facebook currently, but have no fear friends ~the limit does not exist~ and I'm working on learning how to conquer other social media platforms. I love all things literature, I ponder my thoughts through poems, and I spend most of my free time knitting squares and/or doodling shapes while contemplating our existence as a human race. If you're still reading this, I hope you know that you're the bomb diggity, and my soul would like to send a virtual high five in the direction of your soul. Heck yeah. Anyway, please do me a favor and go 'like' my Words4Food Facebook page. I'll cry both literal and metaphorical joyous tears. Okay, that's all for now, I guess, bye bye fam."