The Tapestry Of Our Lives

Art lives inside the silver fox gray of an unruly beard and disheveled hair reaching for the clouds Bringing them down in a floating fluff of white light onto the canvas Art breathes through the patient, observant eyes of an old cerulean soul Beauty lives inside the mysterious deep dive Read more

Nectar of the Extreme

unwind the gossamer binding tare self imposed chastity to shreds slip inside finger my essence rattle my being genuine appetite disclosed shake me slowly quake hidden yearning the volcanic eruption reveals the depth of my propensity unabashed brazenly exposed my psyche hid the merciless ravine of sensuality a caged animal imprisoned Read more

Found Wanting: Burning With Anger, The Hidden Truth of Eating Disorders

At my childhood best friend Ashley’s house, the pantry was big enough to sit in, and when we were bored, we did just that, eating whatever was around us. The pantry was long and narrow, cool and dark, with hardwood floors obscured by tins of flour and multi-flavored popcorn. It Read more