chemically gagged pharmaceutically silenced. swallowing tiny thieves of nuance and vibrancy until depth and hue crumble like damp sawdust into a shallow, timeless grave of monotony nestled by my heart an internal barometer measuring emotional vitality no longer responsive a total obliteration of moods each one simply truncated where stormy Read more

Shame On You

“Drunk. Hot. Easy. A cocktease….“ No. Fuck that. Fuck them. Do not bathe in the steam rising off sordid pools they lured you into, those filled with twisted recollections of reality. Coveting your butterfly touch and those sexy, soft eyes as coat hooks on which to hang their cloaks of Read more

It’s All My Fault

They say “the body remembers.” Somewhere in my mind, the intrusive sound of the soles of men’s sensible shoes slapping onto the shiny floors throughout the corridors still haunts me now and then. Sitting on a shelf labeled “incongruity,” the sudden thunder of racing footsteps filling the hushed, echoey hallways Read more