mouth is better than wine.
thy name poured
after daughters, my soul loveth
women. my beloved is dove eyes.
i am rose and lily.
lily love among daughters,
apple tree among
wood, will not spoil
the vines.
my beloved is mine,
and i am
among the lilies.
daughters, come out
of the wilderness. mighty lilies,
shadows flee the watchmen
in my mother’s house
in the chamber of her
that conceived me
my sister, my spouse,
my sister, honey and milk are under
thy tongue. a garden
is my sister,
a well of living waters
come into my garden, o beloved
open me. i would kiss thee;
i should not be despised
head is filled with dew
with drops of night
who is this that cometh up from
the wilderness? women
are queens. praise her
she looks as the morning/
as the moon/as the sun
i went down to her garden.
thy belly is heap of lilies.
the roof of thy mouth
causes the lips of those
asleep to speak
come, let us go into fields
there will i give thee
my love.