Everything Bathed in Gold
It’s a Tuesday evening, and I’ve just returned from therapy. I pour a glass of wine before gathering the ingredients for dinner: six shallots, garlic, half a can of tomato paste, anchovies, and pasta. Outside, my neighbor who lives in the building behind mine pulls into the shared parking lot. Read more
Minor Abrasions
My eyes focused on the illustration of the fallopian tubes as Dr. Marquez fingered me with two digits and a pencil light. Poking and prodding at my cervix, I spread my thighs like I was back at cheerleading practice warming up for a jump sequence. I wondered what she might Read more
A Lesson About Love from Morgan Spurlock’s OG Ex-Wife
To see my name on the big screen. To be famous and make a ton of money. To step on stage at the Academy Awards…. These are the types of aspirations and dreams that drive a young film artist. Some admit it and others tell themselves their ambitions are loftier Read more
Another Day
Light rises around the sheltering house Weaves reality from dreams Draws breath from bruised lips Nudges us into the familiar Another day! Anything is possible, if not probable Water boils, coffee Brews, bread Browns, butter Goes bad, milk Sours, paper’s late again Our resolve to continue Mimics the worm’s drive Read more
“We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows.” –Robert Frost In Poland, a young woman is having her blood tested for abortion medication. The test comes out positive, and the police escort her to jail. You are not interested in the news. Read more
A Young Woman
At the Georgia O’Keefee museum There was a picture of the artist As a young woman, with an impish grin Mischievous eyes and a wide-open face Full of possibility, unraveling the times Walking through the door, painted Over and over again, considering All the various ways a woman would venture Read more