female socialisation
let her deal with it but give her some gauze some booze for wounds to rub with burning and catch the colours of her face as her blood betrays her for a gratuity and watch as they find an in beneath a nail and widen the wound with their lips. Read more

my beloved: daughter of Jerusalem
mouth is better than wine. thy name poured after daughters, my soul loveth women. my beloved is dove eyes. i am rose and lily. lily love among daughters, apple tree among wood, will not spoil the vines. my beloved is mine, and i am among the lilies. daughters, come out Read more

Back to Black
The last thing I remember about last Night was dancing on a tarnished table To Amy Winehouse’s, Back to Black. Everything was uneven like shattered Glass, a Picasso painting, a gaping eye staring Presumably at my preposterous behavior After drinking five, or was it six Margaritas? A hand here, a Read more

after Courtney Love Tiny, four leaf vibrating and glistening. Sprouted on the hillside of her yard, listening to the murmur of cutting blades. The size of dimes, drops of ink. Theirs is a secret fragility when held in hand, they would crinkle from the July heat. Delicate not for the Read more

Prize of Poison
I want it. No,need it, the panacea; Or, perhaps the exhilaration of the release trailing after it – unsure which; Does it matter? Drink to numb. Calories purged. Caffeine pulsing. All drenched in familiar relief. The isolation I don’t want, but it’s mine, handcuffed to me, by a rusted padlock made of shame. Read more

Sun Rays in Strands
Cool in Japanese garden shade, parchment spirits float on a sea of clay. Empty are the raindrops that fall on storm faces, conversing about the philosophical indoor games we would play. You golden Greek goddess, you Norse heroine of mythology. Mixing the raiment with remedies, tea sipping and singing of Read more