This Ain’t No Crisis
Screw midlife crisis. This isn’t a crisis. It’s the furthest thing from. It’s enlightenment. A goddamn renaissance. A beautiful soul-opening, mind-bending, heart-stopping, knee-weakening, see-it-with-eyes-wide-open awakening that has rendered me off-guard and breathless. My solar plexus is in a constant state of quiver. I cannot control a single speck of it. Read more

Social Media “Blackout” Proves Women Will not be Silenced
“Tomorrow, female blackout…” A writer friend sent the missive Saturday evening. The next day, women were to change their Facebook profile pictures to a simple, black square to illustrate to men what a day without women would look like. The scheme was billed as an effort to draw awareness to Read more

Putting the Fun in My Funeral
However awkward, my wife Allison holds both the lunacy and the skillset to break laws of etiquette – especially when it comes to putting the fun in funeral. Of course, she initially offers up genuine, heartfelt sympathy at the appropriate time and displays rarely-seen seriousness during solemn moments. However, when Read more

On the Women’s March
Honouring the Women’s March on Washington/World January 21, 2017 Winning freedom over the Washington D.C. building tops, every mouth of reason never stops. Happy collision between sidewalk steam and sky tears! Cross over crowds, Chicago, my heroic home! March on, Madison! Safe steps, St. Paul! Words carried away: winged mothers Read more

Forever Love
dawn’s morning light heavy dew sparkling on fields made of glass carrying my babies safe in the womb a gentle caress from my husband’s sure hand waiting for twilight to reveal its moon swimming weightless in azure blue watching my children grow strong into their own sensing I love you Read more