Enter the Dragon
waltzing in claws sharp and gleaming, you strike the pain inflicted reverberates rattling my core your indifference upon arrival teetering between lurid suggestions and steamy breaths of compassion that is your secret weapon fooled, coerced and blindsided the inconvenient truth is that somehow I have grown to love you playing Read more

(for You, Caroline Kepnes) Confession is a stack of books; such small hands offer closer looks: mine Paula Cox and Spaulding Gray — grad schoolgirl haul. My nipples peek outside to play. Shoebox apartment, windows wide, nude peepshow cuz you’re lurking outside. “I talk to strangers.” I tweet. Perform. My Read more

Like My Son, Who I Lost
He reminded me of my son; my son who I lost. He had the same hair, brown and tousled; the same eyes, vacant, almond oceans of angst. I still can’t breathe from the vacuous loss, he walked away one night after we fought. He was doing drugs, I could tell Read more

One More Ride
Father worked the rails. Free passage was our rite. Hours rocking back and forth to the constant rhythm of the train. Foreheads pressed to cool fuliginous windows, scenery streaming by at a giddying pace. Large cities, small towns, virescent farm land, all ablur. The somnolent clickety-clack of wheels motoring onward. Read more

I watched the sky fade from a pretty pink color to dark. I sat in my room dreading the night, as I always did. The front door opened and all I heard was the sound of heavy boots walking in the house. I sighed and left my room. I opened Read more