I unearthed a seahorse—lithe and dried,
Slumped heavy in sand and
Sweltering by the microwave of
The smoldering sky.
It laid bent and braided, bore black
Pinprick eyes, and had found throne
By the salty phalanges of
Poseidon’s clench
The gulls had gawked and the
Sun had stalked my bony shoulders,
The skinny seahorse sheltered by my
Sloping shadow.
I fingered its corpse—a leather trinket,
Withered by ocean blackwash;
Now petrified back alive
In the womb of human hands.
Horseflies spurn my withered breasts,
Dune worms dug inside our affair,
Into a sand hole with nothing to stair
But to sea—
Wading gallops of the tiding trinity.
Photo Credit: Free Public Domain Illustrations by rawpixel Flickr via Compfight cc