there is a danger to dismissing history
and we will be the price bloodied
folded over ourselves
Humanity: Raw & Unfiltered
there is a danger to dismissing history
and we will be the price bloodied
folded over ourselves
i know, at least, that she was ripe
full of not a hardened pit like me
for so long
but hopes that began and ended
seven times over
once this time when we had a nice computer and i was not so nice to myself i photoshopped my face turning muddy hazel eyes to blue turning brown hair to blond getting rid of hair anywhere it did not need to be blurring, sculpting, perfecting erasing myself i said Read more
i unloaded the dishwasher that morning and then i went to therapy and unloaded on this new doctor and she said, perhaps, maybe, possibly my post-partum depression was because i just missed having attention because all the babies i had lost apparently hadn’t given me enough unwanted side-show-status-attention i wondered Read more
a young girl watches her mother faint from lack of food not because the fridge is empty but because her mother chooses to leave her belly so and in two years time this girl will exercise in her room and stop eating breakfast and lunch because she is disgusted at Read more
i knew enough to know abuse was someone pounding their fists into someone else and i knew enough to know the domestic violence shelter was full of real people they were filled with children i had played video games with while my mother worked downstairs helping their mothers survive Read more