Tag: bigotry

The Resistance
these are the times that try men’s souls indeed I tell myself just keep calm and breathe and resist, resist, resist these are the waking hours no one has a monopoly on anger we have it we are the inheritors the everyday warriors the true patriots not the sunshine ones Read more

Snowflakes: A letter to my Republican friends
Isn’t it simply beautiful out there. I mean, snow always inspires such awe in me. Just consider, one single snowflake alone, so delicate, so fragile, so ethereal. And yet, let a billion of them come together through the majestic force of nature… They can screw up a whole city.- Betty Read more

Graciela and Abuela
I am who I am because of Graciela and her bright red sash and because of her Abuela, the old woman with the melted candlestick. The old woman who used to braid her granddaughter’s hair in log rope twists and drags the candle down the aisle at the old Spanish Read more

Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Defeat – Inspiring Women Everywhere
Immediately following the presidential election, I felt compelled to run for office, and I don’t think that I am necessarily alone in feeling that way. In fact, ever since the outcome of the election, we have seen a spike in interest from women who are considering running for elected office. Read more

All in favour of #theConservativeMajority, Wear White!
A satire on the ‘Wear White’ campaign against Pink Dot 2014, Singapore The devil doesn’t wear Prada but the pious garb of #theConservativeMajority, pour me another glass of bigotry! Modern day pastors and quasi-politicians pull the cards of Religion and Morality in the name of #theConservativeMajority, crucify and slay the Read more

The Presidential Campaign of 2016 & the Siege of Boston
“Look at what I see in front of me.” It was the mid-eighties. After a stint on an Israeli kibbutz, followed by some quality time with my backpack around Amsterdam. I accepted a job back in the states with the Kentucky Repertory Theatre in a town called Horse Cave where Read more