When Words Fell
Verse gleaming bright, imbued with might
Humanity: Raw & Unfiltered
Verse gleaming bright, imbued with might
As the eldest in a large family, I grew up taking care of others. Watching my younger siblings, I learned to develop a sixth sense; I reserved a part of my attention to wander on that periphery where something might flare up among any one of them, at any time. Read more
A lot of people go through life unnecessarily unhappy and depressed. They feel unvalued and misunderstood, seeing no way out of whatever problem they are facing. Often, though, their issues could be solved easily, by doing one little thing. Talking. Communication is important, it can clear away misunderstandings and can Read more
I don’t speak Chinese, I don’t speak Swahili, I don’t speak Arabic, I don’t speak Spanish, I don’t speak French, I don’t speak any of these other than English and some bastardized basics of a smattering from a few others. But I wish we spoke them all, and so often Read more
He had spent some time in prison. Today, he was standing in my kitchen. Only two years older than I, deep heavy grooves etched into his face clearly showed his road in life had been rougher than mine. Or maybe I just hid mine better? Hired him to demo my Read more
Did you remember to open your eyes, and un-wax your ears when you woke this morning? Did you take for granted the cozy 500-thread count sheets, and the down pillows propped under your head? Did you have a proper bed to sleep in with too many pretty, pleasing greige throw Read more
My friend and I were engrossed in conversation, but I still noticed the boys. There were five of them, split into two flanks. Three of them arranged themselves on a bench, idling like birds waiting for a bit of dropped crust to set them swooping. The other two stood on Read more