Tag: confidence

I Won Second Prize in a Beauty Contest and Collected More Than $10
Since the day I could count, my brother and I battled dozens of times in family tournaments of Monopoly. Before each match, he would confront me with his antagonizing, big-brother, I-am-the-boss-of-you tone. “Ready to lose another game of MO-NOP-O-LY, Dave-IT?” Expecting an inescapable wrestling hold if I refused, I gave Read more

Isn’t That What Friends Are For?
Decades ago, when I was in elementary school, I did have a few genuine friends. However, the so-called cool kids swiftly kicked us to the bottom of the totem pole and successfully labeled us as faggots to the entire school. When I moved to Florida in 1979, my world did improve. However, because of my grade-school trauma, it wasn’t easy to make real friends. In High School, I was acquainted with dozens of kids from every social group, but I didn’t have the phone number of one friend to rely upon if my car broke down.

Reclaiming History
Men’s words cannot define you anymore.
Once, you may have let others tear you apart
only to strike the final mutinous blow yourself;
but you have come back from that.
You are more than that.
Your potential is unlimited.

Pies On The Sidewalk: A Gift Of Confidence From A Mother to Her Daughters
My mom never knew she had actually prepared me the best way possible. She died thinking she had failed as a parent who should have protected her daughter. Because of her, I guarded myself and my daughters from a future of abuse, failure, and lost dreams. As a single mom, I didn’t have much to give my girls, but I gave them the confidence to become strong, determined women who have the courage to leave pies on the sidewalk when that’s the only option.

Being True to Myself the Artistic Way
For as long as I can remember I always felt compelled to unleash my talents to the world. My Grandmother nurtured my artistic talents by being both my adviser and biggest fan. She would collect fashion magazines and teach me how to braid my hair. She and I were so Read more

Belly Busting Ever Since ’76
I am a reasonable person. I try to spend my thinking life concerned with the greater good. I try to tune out the “white noise.” Yet, I have come to accept the presence of a particular hiccup in my thinking life. It’s always in there, even if I am not Read more