A Lovely Conversation Amongst Strangers

Redemption was in order, but his sins outweighed her ability to forgive. Two friends, turned strangers, once lovers, now hardly knew each other on that night. They were growing further apart in the house they shared together for years. His own reflection sickened him, and the sight of her brought Read more

Dad, I Forgive You

Raise your hand. Who’s had a perfect childhood? Who has perfect parents? Who has the perfect family? Unfortunately, most of us experienced a less than perfect childhood. Most of use have a less than perfect family. Most of us have less than perfect parents. After decades of being angry, disappointed, Read more

Being A Father

I’m fortunate enough to call myself Father to two kids. I’m sure at times, they’ve had other words to call me, and probably well deserved. I did hope for fatherhood perfection, but I don’t think I came close to the mark. I wanted to be the ideal father. I knew Read more

My Non-Television Mother and Me: The Apology

Part 3 of a 3 part series. After interviewing my mother, reading through the archives of my memoirs, taking note of the dark memories that quietly play in the back of my mind like an old French noir film, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve hit a plateau, with Read more

Down Sizing for a Bigger Life

Take a moment and imagine… Imagine cutting your bills in half. Imagine making significant changes; affording yourself the opportunity for choices. Imagine clearing out the mounds of clutter in your closets, cabinets, and drawers. Imagine having a home that is well organized, appealing to each of your senses. Imagine starting Read more

The Tunnel Of Infidelity

We always assume it can never happen to us. Not to you, not to your great marriage, which is the envy of all your friends, or so it seems by the statements that have come from their mouths. Later you will find out their true feelings, the ones that they Read more