
I have always felt that humans were like the sea- the unfathomable girth of their chests as they inhale the decadence of their families, the expansive ripples in their eyes like the tides washing over their moral sense, polluted in plastic the sea bass trying to breathe through polythene, coral Read more

Am I a Stuck Up Little Bitch?

I just learned I have a reputation as a recluse – a reputation I hate. It’s true, I’m easily intimidated by colleagues and acquaintances who are younger, stronger, braver, more outgoing, better educated and better looking than me. When I feel demoralized – whether it’s real or imagined – I Read more

Maybe It Wasn’t My Fault

Lacey could tell something was off. “What’s wrong, Mom?” “Nothing, Honey. But we need to talk – all of us.” Her mother meant all of “the girls” She looked at her three daughters warily. “Something’s happened, and I don’t know how to tell you.” “What happened? Are grandma and grandpa Read more

Unheard Screaming: Silent Misunderstood Me

Those peering into the lives of those of us who struggle with mental health, perplexed as to why we seem to have potential to live “better” but just continue to make bad choices that impact us negatively and cause us to be of concern to their normal married with children Read more

The Rise and Fall

When I was seventeen I dreamt of a great big life filled with a glass house on the beach, diamonds, pretty bad boys, fancy designer duds and superfluous superficial things. Today the horizontal worry lines that magically appear on my face while I sleep are the brutal reminders that there Read more