Tag: emotional health
Blue paisley when she feels humble Green polka dots when the beauty parlor is closed Stars and stripes for the Fourth Red and green for Yuletide Magenta for seducing the department chair Navy blue for telling my father it never happened Pink and yellow for the parent-teacher conference Beige to Read more
It’s All My Fault
They say “the body remembers.” Somewhere in my mind, the intrusive sound of the soles of men’s sensible shoes slapping onto the shiny floors throughout the corridors still haunts me now and then. Sitting on a shelf labeled “incongruity,” the sudden thunder of racing footsteps filling the hushed, echoey hallways Read more
Last Act of Love
I knew the problem was serious when Greg could not muster the energy to get himself to the ice cream shop at the end of the street. This daily expedition had become his afternoon treat to cool off from the summer heat. We were in Australia to spend Christmas with Read more
She senses it, anticipates it, as it’s preceded by a look; His eyes are on her, even though she doesn’t meet his gaze. His hands smoothing her hair down her back, he kisses her lips. His breathing warm, softly delivering “You’re so beautiful” into the curve of her neck. He Read more
Angry Woman
I am an angry woman, not pretty angry, not cute angry, but dragon hungry angry, lipstick smeared all over my face angry, twilight dying angry, box cutter to my skin angry, skin wailing, burning angry, when I said no and you cried and said, “Don’t you love me anymore,” angry. Read more
Found Wanting: Burning With Anger, The Hidden Truth of Eating Disorders
At my childhood best friend Ashley’s house, the pantry was big enough to sit in, and when we were bored, we did just that, eating whatever was around us. The pantry was long and narrow, cool and dark, with hardwood floors obscured by tins of flour and multi-flavored popcorn. It Read more
Volcanic Ice
It’s all lost in the fire I can smell, see, touch every emotion Every Sensation heaving through me at once I’m Fire It’s all Fire Not the good kind of fire that leads to rebirth The bad kind Volcanic Glass Frozen fire The dark crystal petrifying whatever souls died in Read more