They Don’t Tell You That You Can Never Leave

It doesn’t take much to set that feeling off in me—racing heart, the inability to settle my hands if I try to type. I no longer experience a temptation to raise my voice as I once did, though sometimes—like today—when my body gets that jittery feeling that adrenalin or cortisol Read more

The Brazilian Wax and the Unspoken Dignity Tax

Brazilian Wax. The distinctiveness of this practice only dawned on me after leaving my home country. In Brazil, wax is simply wax—just as there, I am a citizen, not a Latina, a South American, or an immigrant. Seeing the name of my homeland advertised on chalkboards outside gringo beauty salons Read more

I like being called exotic. Does that make me a bad feminist of colour?

In case you’ve missed the memo, calling someone exotic is not a compliment. As personal essays, academic articles and social media will tell you, the term reinforces white beauty standards, turning racialized people into outsiders, curiosities, and fetish objects. I understand this stance. As an Indian-Pakistani Muslim with brown skin Read more

The Four Deaths of James Edward

I. James Edward the Third entered the world like a limp bruise—purple against the sterile room—in a silence that hurt my ears from straining, stretching and stretching, taking with it his brain cells and future. Some of you will know what I mean. I’m sorry for that. The only thing Read more