Why Was the Child Victims Act Abandoned? A Voice for the Voiceless Fights Back

“She was 14 going on 35, and I never forced her.” I read the quote twice. It chafed at me like a scratchy thread sticking out on a sweater. You pull the strand, keep yanking, and pretty soon, the whole garment starts to unravel. I was sitting at my kitchen Read more

Election 2016: Super Tuesday & a Few More FAQs

This is the second post in a two-part series:  ELECTION 2016: What the Heck is a Contested Convention? Why do U.S. presidential elections take so long? Each state chooses it’s Democratic and Republican candidate nominees beginning in February. This can last up to five months. Iowa and New Hampshire traditionally Read more

ELECTION 2016: What the Heck is a Contested Convention?

What is a Contested Convention? In the 2016 party nomination conventions, a Contested Convention can happen if no one candidate wins the required delegates going into the convention. Republicans require 1,237 delegates and Democrats require 2,382 delegates to win the nomination. If no candidate reaches these numbers, this means the party Read more

Common Sense, National Pride, and a Pinch of Compassion: Isn’t it that simple?

Six months ago I moved back to the U.S. after living in Central America for three years. I had limited exposure to the media and the events occurring in the U.S. and the rest of the world.  When I did take the time to read about political, social, and economic Read more