The Warriors

Time, a robber disguised, rubbed the edges of her tenet, eroding the pillars of confidence that she adhered to, ones that she constantly held- against daily attacks on her spirit. She is naked while dreaming. She is naked, living in a land of ‘It never was this way before’ She Read more

Send Them Away

I don’t think I have another rant left to write. Disgusted, frightened, ashamed, and whatever synonyms for those words that might be found in a Thesaurus have taken over my psyche since 11/8/16. If I glance in the mirror, I see myself among the hollow-eyed zombies in “Thriller,” dragging around Read more

Creating a Feminist Future

My daughter started Kindergarten this year, and in the fourth week of school, a little boy kicked her in the face while she was playing on the monkey bars. It was the same little boy who kicked her best friend in the face while she was playing on the monkey Read more

The Heart Of Democracy

There’s an ancient Chinese curse that states, “May you live in interesting times” I don’t really know if this saying is ancient, and I am not even certain that it’s Chinese but the past 222 days that President Trump has been in office have made me fully understand why this Read more