Tag: sexual harassment
I Spoke Up: An Un-Famous Woman’s Tale of Sexual Harassment & The Backlash
Am I really looking at Bill Cosby in chains headed to prison? I am, and I can’t stop crying. Bill Cosby’s sentencing has stirred up so many feelings in me about the bravery of “speaking up.” I’m going to share my dark, shameful secret with you. I was sexually harassed by my Read more
Thank You Ashley Judd: Politically Incorrect (but true) Advice From A Guy On Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment: sex·u·al ha·rass·ment_noun_harassment (typically of a woman) in a workplace, or other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks. My wife and I were out with another couple a few weeks ago when the whole ‘sexual harassment thing’ came up. My question Read more
The First Time
The first time it happened to me I was sitting in the back of a bus with two males on either side. I didn’t know their names. For a while, nothing happened. Just a ride on a bus. Then slowly, one of them slipped his arm around my shoulders and Read more
George H.W. Bush Groped Women: Stop Blaming the Victims
Three women came forward this week with accusations that they were groped by President George H.W. Bush. According to CNN, actress Heather Lind posted on Instagram (now deleted) about an incident that took place a few years ago during a photo shoot. In her post, Lind said Bush “touched me Read more
Rocks and Cameras
Then, in a wine soaked haze, I realize what the worst part about this is.We are always on guard against the men in the streets. The ones who whistle while we walk. We guard against the men at the bars, whose smiles turn to snarls upon rejection. We guard against the men online whose thumbs could spell “slut” without help from their eyes. We are almost always on guard. We almost never feel safe.
“Did You Drop a Pound?”: Why I Won’t Be a Silent Feminist
“You look thin. Did you drop a pound?” It felt like a Jeopardy category: Dumbass Statements for 800. The answer: “What is something you should never say to a woman.” Let’s go again, Alex. At first, I didn’t say anything. I continued wiping down my exercise mat while Dave adjusted Read more