The Secret in the Blood
I hear the constant ticking of the clock. My reality is at a standstill. When will the results
come back from the lab? Why is it taking so long?
Humanity: Raw & Unfiltered
I hear the constant ticking of the clock. My reality is at a standstill. When will the results
come back from the lab? Why is it taking so long?
One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them. -Virginia Woolf On January 16th, I will be celebrating another trip around the sun. I never dreamed I would pass over onto the other Read more
And now for a bit of seriousness. But it won’t last long, don’t worry. Illness. It can strike anyone anytime. It is one of life’s tests, and how one reacts to the news can often determine the prognosis. Fighting a battle against disease can be quite hard work in itself, Read more