Well, you work all these years and now are able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
You have a nice budget, but somehow at the end of the month, you are scratching your head wondering where did all that money go? Mmmmm?
I have a budget…I have expendable income, but for the life of me, I normally can’t tell you what I did with it.
Sure, we pay the essentials, mortgage/rent, utilities, and food.
”Where is the rest of it?” There is definite money “leakage”. Ten dollars, here, five dollars there and before you know it…PUFF!! It is gone.
A tactic I use is to keep a spending journal. It does not have to be a fancy journal, but just something small that you can log EVERY dime that you spend. Try this for a month and you will be shocked about how you spend your money.
It makes you stop and think before you spend.
Another way that we throw away money is how we shop for food. We shop for food on a regular basis and just stuff more food into the freezer. The net result is a freezer full of “mystery” meat.
Recently, I have been just making freezer meals. I use what is in the freezer and in my cupboards and then get creative. I was shocked to find out that I had expired foodstuffs on hand and had to toss them out. Just eating “freezer” meals alone will save you a lot of money!
You can stop this money leakage and end up with some creative meals!