I’ve gone through many lives
as a little child, I was a fresh garment
sewn together with purpose
I’m trying to remember when it changed.
I was used day in and day out:
partner, confidant, parent, sitter
but I couldn’t fit into those shoes
and was injured by the clumsiness of it all
it was much later that I realised
deformity can be caused by things
that don’t fit.
There’s been decades that have
slipped by like the blur from
moving windows in cars and trains
rushing past
time wanting to smooth out
then the missing pieces
seasons blanked by anguish
that I wish I could relive
found later in life unearthed
in safe spaces
signs of childhood
held dormant for so long
I was sure they had been
but with surprise
return again and again
blooming forth in midlife
regenerating growth
though no longer a lifetime ahead
much what had seemed lost
in the appropriate setting can
finally, be treasured a new.
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash