Author: Olivia Stirton
Hello, my name is Olivia. I’m 20 years old and currently working at a bookstore. Being surrounded by books quickly developed a new hobby for me of first reading, and then writing. I enjoy so many different genres of books, but I always love reading and writing poetry more than anything else.
I’ve always struggled with various mental health issues, and I find that writing and turning my thoughts into poetry helps me tremendously. I hope that in the future, I can publish a poetry book of my own for the world to see. In the meantime, I hope everyone enjoys these bits and pieces of my writing. It always has, and always will, come from the heart.

Hiding Below
You commented on the bags under my eyes I said “thank you, they’re designer” And I meant it Because I designed them myself With sleepless nights And a starving soul (my body might be starving a little too) And I did it because I just wanted The outside to match Read more

I Covered All The Mirrors
You describe the day as “beautiful” While shielding your eyes From the sun. I can’t help but wonder If all those times you called me “beautiful” You were closing your eyes. Photo Credit: Gilbert-Noël Sfeir Mont-Liban Flickr via Compfight cc