Still Waters
there is so much beauty and so little time
which makes me tearfully treasure the breath of life
and your sun kissed shoulders and smile
Humanity: Raw & Unfiltered
there is so much beauty and so little time
which makes me tearfully treasure the breath of life
and your sun kissed shoulders and smile
for my part I don’t deserve you
but yet you believed in me
before I believed in myself
and on one trembling knee
I am humbled by your love
her liberty
to love herself
her liberty
to have a choice when it comes to her body
her liberty
to age
what I fear the most is not this spinning inexorable world perpetually casting shadows and monsters or even my own inevitable fleshy demise no these days I reserve my trepidation for the unthinkable travesty of a life affirming beauty being right in front of me and me not experiencing it yes Read more
Dear Female Ancestors, I have decided to do something impossible. I want to communicate back through time and space the love I feel for each and every one of my female ancestors. Human limitations being what they are, of course, I am limited to writing this love letter in my Read more
honey like someone once said we belong a long way from here the tragic mysteries of life unfold in front of us and upon us leaving unmentionable secrets and secret unmentionables but when the dark days come I will pour myself out and meld with you provide cover and bleed Read more
fearsome orgasmic blooms in a jealous world deceptive fragility of steely petals and stems roots entwined with the hopes of childhood sunbeams miraculous and defiant like the vivacious dreams in your smile beauty should never apologize and our love baby is flora in the midst of death for the rest Read more
As I am writing this, we are, as a nation, now well entrenched in the national nightmare and international embarrassment otherwise known as the presidency of Donald Trump. Soon after his election, I began writing down daily reminders of specific actions that I can do to help myself psychologically, spiritually Read more