Author: Christina Strigas

Small miracles
Take your fistful of misery hypnotize the crowd with your fake smoke half-truths lava tears poetic disputes pose on your marble staircase retell your old story bore us with news talks and deaths of all the things we don’t care about. People like you make being alone a blessing. Photo Read more

The Day After
The sun is in my hair it feels gothic to send black hearts yet truthful. You have gone blocked the rain from touching my skin. You came and went in this caffeine rush not reading the menu nor my frazzled mind. All these nonsensical words lined up in disarray for Read more

On Being Starstruck
So you want to be a poet you think you can punch in and out So you want to be famous wear Gucci and parade across catwalks with a book of poetry in one hand list of writers you have never read in another. So you want to be beautiful Read more

Things that are Unbelievable
I know that songs can erupt into moments. you do not need to dare me I will do mostly anything you want for me to be your naughty girl good girl any type you want. I could transform into diverse beings, you would think I haunted your mind I can Read more

The day before my birthday
I cried most of the morning, stopping the voices. I wanted to kill you, but I married you instead. I had so much hope, yet I knew it was as useless as loving without receiving. I stabbed you, but you did not bleed. You tasted like salty jokes, eternal nightmares, Read more