When we embrace, the place Where your skin ends And mine begins Vanishes with a sigh– Photo Credit: Eric Kilby Flickr via Compfight cc
Humanity: Raw & Unfiltered
When we embrace, the place Where your skin ends And mine begins Vanishes with a sigh– Photo Credit: Eric Kilby Flickr via Compfight cc
Commercial door swings open, we meet Torrent of rain, pouring in gray sheets Chorus of currents ripple the streets, Wind kapows concrete in waves, zig zag Uncountable crystal explosions before us– My son releases my hand to tear through The film of falling water and greets A frenetic dance of Read more
The hair there keeps coming back, pushing through, endlessly, as if there is a message they have been trying to get to you, years now. But you’re good at your job of pulling out and cutting down. Wouldn’t it be a shame to quit? Suppose in some strange rebellious moment Read more