Author: Megan Garner

Queen Of My Paradise
Queen of my Paradise, The lands you keep run wild with berries That pop hot in the sun, stains spreading into wicked smiles Red, purple, pink and black They sit buzzing in the grass And jump onto the feet of passersby They are marked by you And happier for it, Read more

Sometimes I Find Her
Sometimes I find her so heavy with thought, She can’t remember where she put it, the thing, the one thing she ought to bring to the houses, with the people who call her— “Friend!” A parting gift, for the folks who stayed. She leaves it with them to be polite. Read more

The Ocean is a Woman
The ocean is a woman. She is vast and she is changing, And she does not hide from us All her forms, all her shades, All her faces. But we see her stilled, at times, And we assume passiveness. We see calm waters And, in forgetting her power, We abuse Read more