Category: Friends + Family

Dare Devil
I came to you, always wishing for your love approval I rode winds, flying over time just to be by your side wishing for more time love I still crumble knowing that you are gone wishing for how it used to be home Photo Credit: pom.angers Flickr via Compfight cc

Tucking In
We stood on the hillside, the early July sun warm, the notes of Danny Boy on the bagpipes lingered in the blue air. It was not like other funerals–no lowering the casket on a winch, no Astroturf around a large grave. Three small holes had been prepared. Daddy had died in January, Read more

When the Bomb Sounds
My uncle has been sending me letters. He’s been telling me about his time in Vietnam. How, even though it was just a tiny percentage of his life, it is a time he never forgets. He says he’s a tormented artist. He says he’s tried to write about it. He’s Read more

After Dinner
My twenty-year-old son, Billy, and his girlfriend, Alex, nineteen, cooked dinner for me tonight. Gemelli pasta in a cream sauce with mushrooms, zucchini, garlic and pecorino romano cheese. Delicious. It was late – 9pm. Billy had yelled up the stairs to his younger brother, Steven, when the food was ready, Read more
The Dangers of Independence
There was a one-room cottage in the woods that looked like a dollhouse, painted powder blue and shielded by willow trees. It was near the railroad tracks, where we were warned never to go since a classmate was hit by a train, there. No one magical lived there, just a Read more

The First Time I Saw My Baby Sleeping
The first time I saw my baby sleeping was on Highway 89 halfway between Lake Tahoe and Truckee. His head was slightly tipped back and he was breathing so quietly I had to strain to catch every breath. My view of him was from the front seat of my Jeep Read more