Conscious Posting: The Difference Between Bragging and Gratitude

Facebook can be fun. Social media in all forms – can be entertaining. Instagram is cool because I like photos. I like to see the world through pictures. I, especially, like to see other people’s world through their eyes. Instagrams allows everyone to post the images their world is made Read more


Trudging up the stairs to my grandmother’s third-floor walkup in Manhattan we finally arrive at our destination, tired and panting from carrying our bags, the stroller, and Haven, our two-year-old daughter. We knock once, and my mother opens the door immediately. “Hey, everyone. Happy you made it down safe,” she Read more

Isn’t That What Friends Are For?

Decades ago, when I was in elementary school, I did have a few genuine friends. However, the so-called cool kids swiftly kicked us to the bottom of the totem pole and successfully labeled us as faggots to the entire school. When I moved to Florida in 1979, my world did improve. However, because of my grade-school trauma, it wasn’t easy to make real friends. In High School, I was acquainted with dozens of kids from every social group, but I didn’t have the phone number of one friend to rely upon if my car broke down.

My Father’s Advocate: Aging Parents and the Impact of Positive Medical Planning

“What I’m saying is, you could drop dead at any moment.” Blunt, direct and impatient, my father’s cardiologist meant what he said. Didn’t even flinch. “So what you are saying is, my father’s heart has weakened since the last MRI six months ago?” “Yes. One side is overcompensating for the Read more