Good. Better. Best. Do not rest until the GOOD becomes BETTER and the better becomes BEST.

My father was known for his positive and motivating adages. I have dreaded the mere thought of this day for my entire life. I have thought that the day my father’s heart stops beating will be the day that I take my very last breath. I have thought I can not Read more

Being A Father

I’m fortunate enough to call myself Father to two kids. I’m sure at times, they’ve had other words to call me, and probably well deserved. I did hope for fatherhood perfection, but I don’t think I came close to the mark. I wanted to be the ideal father. I knew Read more

I’m Just Not That Into You: Breaking Up With My Best Friend

It was the first day of English class. Students were waiting outside the classroom, most plugged into their phone, others chatting away with friends. There was a girl; I’ll never forget her bright yellow rain boots, who sat leaning against the wall. I smiled, as more and more people walked Read more

Love Letter to My Female Ancestors

Dear Female Ancestors, I have decided to do something impossible. I want to communicate back through time and space the love I feel for each and every one of my female ancestors. Human limitations being what they are, of course, I am limited to writing this love letter in my Read more

On Letting Oneself Be Taken Care Of

As the eldest in a large family, I grew up taking care of others. Watching my younger siblings, I learned to develop a sixth sense; I reserved a part of my attention to wander on that periphery where something might flare up among any one of them, at any time. Read more