Are You There? It’s Me, Your Younger Self

Kindergarten. First grade. Second grade. Those were the years that I endured bullying. I remember in first grade, the year I got glasses; I began getting teased. I didn’t understand why, especially when I wore purple glasses with speckles. How could nobody like them? My hair, it was so long, Read more

After the Murder

“Your coffin reached the monstrous hole. And a part of me went down into the muddy earth with you and lay down next to you and died with you.” ― Rosamund Lupton, Sister After the murder, my prayers went something like this: “Help me. God, help me. Please, fucking help Read more

Sometimes, A Man Still Needs His Mom

“…a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” – Ephesians 5:31 “Sometimes, a man still needs his mom.” – Dave Pacailler, November 2016 At 81 years old, my mother is the epitome of old-school tradition. She goes Read more

Sabado Gigante: A Saturday Night Tradition With My Father

My father and I had a unique tradition on Saturday nights. We spent this night together for years. First, during summers when he would drive from Arizona to the cooler climes of Southern California to where I had escaped my small town roots. Later, as he grew older and frailer, Read more

Halloween: Tempting God’s Wrath by Playing with the Devil

Remember that song from the Pet Shop Boys, “It’s a Sin”? Everything I’ve ever done Everything I ever do Every place I’ve ever been Everywhere I’m going to it’s a sin…. This song plays continually in my head as Halloween approaches. On what is supposed to be a day of fun Read more