Living Life with No Filters

If you missed HBO’s three seasons of the tragicomedy Getting On, you’re missing a glimpse of the future, maybe not yours but more than likely one or both of your parent’s. Starring the soulful comedienne, Laurie Metcalfe, and a stellar supporting cast, the series dishes up a brutally funny view Read more

Genetically Speaking, Who Am I?

My obsession to trace my family’s genealogical roots began when I was a little kid. I sat wide-eyed and all ears on the floor next to my Grandad Willard’s (my father’s father) chair, eagerly lapping up every story he told about his youth. Born in 1908, he had quite a few Read more

The Belly Bag: A Fashion Faux Pas?

During the summer of 1985, I swore I’d never wear my possessions in a pouch on my stomach. I was a goofy college kid preparing for a year abroad in Europe, and my sweet, safety-conscious dad came home from work one day, announcing he’d gotten me something special and important Read more

I am a Counterfeit Memory Hero

As I turned on the light and maneuvered my way into the closet, I made full use of my Tetris skills. I shuffled past boxes of record albums, computer parts and dozens of other boxes of unrecognizable junk and crammed my way to the very back. After much sweating, swearing, Read more