Manners: Why Our Kids Need to Learn Them

I went to Catholic school. We had to, of course, wear our uniforms. Starched white shirts, pleated burgundy plaid skirts and burgundy sweaters with the top button buttoned, and the collar of the shirt pulled out over the sweater. We had navy blue school shoes that my mother bought at Read more

Enough is enough is too much

I recently read two unrelated articles that touched on a worrisome trend taking place among affluent communities in the United States, which is the over-indulgence and permissive irresponsibility of wealthy and upper middle class teenagers in America. The first was an from an article in the December issue of Psychology Read more

Why I Want to be Rich

“Money isn’t everything.” That’s what they say. “Money doesn’t buy happiness.” “No, maybe it doesn’t – but it sure as hell helps.” That’s what my father says. He says, “Here—let’s do this. You have 2 million dollars, and I have $25K a year. Let’s trade places and talk again in Read more

25 Typed Pages: How One School and One Teacher Changed My Life

I was the first person in my family to graduate from college. It was a huge surprise for all of us. Not because I wasn’t smart or because I wasn’t advised to continue my education. Just because I’d been an actress in NY for many years and had made great Read more

Tales of a Homeschool Mom

home·school·ing:ˈhōmˌsko͞oliNG/ noun: homeschooling; plural noun: homeschoolings; the education of children at home by their parents. Homeschooling was something my husband and I had always wanted to do for our son. We had gone back-and-forth with the idea since he was born. Our kiddo had always been above the educational curve Read more