Cradles Long Forgotten

Heavy minutes rhyming on her white wall, crying, flailing, slowly falling down like trickles of blood pooling around everybody’s eyes, around everybody’s smiles, but everybody smiles. Her fingers walk across the marble floor, nails scraping and tongues bending like half-empty dresses hung inside a closet. Boots, now worn, lie sullenly Read more


Online dating’s long parade of hopefuls, liars, and scammers fills a seemingly endless pipeline that like a sewer, spews into my inbox. There was Bill, retired plastic surgeon, pleasant enough but looked like a corpse. Turned out he was a cancer survivor. No problem, but his negative attitude was. Beau Read more

Weeping Boys and Girls

So raw, unfiltered through sun/moon/stars bathing and drinking in naked showers/swimming pools. Don’t cover up! Flaunt/hide your daisies; this basket has always been here. //sunny, sunny, but it looks like it’s raining through that window// Weavers weaving weeping some brewing/ cooking soup and vitriol. Both taste the same from your Read more

In the Company of Myself

I need time to reflect upon my day, think about what I want, think about who I am as of now and who I was yesterday. These aren’t mere philosophical questions that I only deal with in my Theory of Knowledge classes. These are questions of everyday life that I must answer for myself. And the only way to do this is to listen to myself.