I saw the familiar dead girl
dancing in my basement spoon
cut off the apron ties
the dead girl said
I’m jonesing to fuckin cook
copped some works; from a friendly stranger’s hand
the handle bent; the spoon a Jesus cradle
the dead girl prayed
tapping, arousing, blue hungry veins
turn the tourniquet; tighter and tighter
Bic fire lit; cook that shit
sizzling, bubbling
junk drawn up
kissed thru the eye of a wearied spike
the dead girl shot
push, pull back, push; black blood flows
damned and raptured
smacked by euphoria; glowed
shooting sweet seductive pleasures
in a gallery framed with pain
again and again
the dead girl did
aboard the junkie basement train
“”by dobetoh is licensed under CC PDM 1.0
Vivid . Tragic. Inspiring.
Love this ❤️
Amazing work.