Tunnel of a Fat Woman
In my tunnel of a fat woman I only hear songs Do u really want to hurt me Do u really want to make me cry To be thin as a bird No extra fat, one can fly I would die 4u Only if u want me 2 Farther than Read more
Humanity: Raw & Unfiltered
In my tunnel of a fat woman I only hear songs Do u really want to hurt me Do u really want to make me cry To be thin as a bird No extra fat, one can fly I would die 4u Only if u want me 2 Farther than Read more
My body is mine, yet everyone is so judgmental about it. But the real judge is me. I’m surrounded by people who care so much about their looks and having the perfect body that it is starting to rub off on me. I used to feel so confident in my Read more
PART ONE/ BODY She dressed Hastily Alone Averting her eyes As loose flesh rolled Over her frame And by squeezing And shimmering Her frolicking hips She pulled the bathing suit on [that damned swimsuit on] — gasping for air, she Pledged allegiance To the salad buffet, but Read more
So many girls get trapped by that bitch called Media and her virtual cage. Her spider web of filters latch on filtering out flaws and imperfections, any chance of personality and direction. That bitch called Media tags you in photos, picks Facebook fights with you, distracts you from your life Read more
Fatty, fatty two by four, can’t fit through the kitchen door. Their names and faces are lost in history, but their words remain my constant truth. School yard chant buried deep under my skin, wrapped around my heart, that creeps through my brain, popping up like a boogey monster whenever Read more
once this time when we had a nice computer and i was not so nice to myself i photoshopped my face turning muddy hazel eyes to blue turning brown hair to blond getting rid of hair anywhere it did not need to be blurring, sculpting, perfecting erasing myself i said Read more
a young girl watches her mother faint from lack of food not because the fridge is empty but because her mother chooses to leave her belly so and in two years time this girl will exercise in her room and stop eating breakfast and lunch because she is disgusted at Read more
As I sit here six months pregnant, I ponder about my life and what my existence has become. So many women have told me how beautiful the gift of life is, and “just wait until you look at your baby for the first time,” how magical it will be. It’s Read more