Tag: Carly Zee

Broken doors of childhood Battered in their frames Punched in walls Scribbled pages ——— Torn All mute testimony To her anguished cries Rat’s nest of fear Addiction, fury Ideation, escape All because of scribbled pages ——— Torn Punched in walls Broken doors of childhood Battered in their frames Photo Credit: Read more

I almost canceled the coffee date A meeting between old friends Filled with laughter and a few silences About what could have been, instead I almost touched his hand, Walking through the door Café patrons never glanced at us Both with hands, now glinted gold Instead – Time swept past, Read more

BODY / IMAG(INE) – a poem in four parts
PART ONE/ BODY She dressed Hastily Alone Averting her eyes As loose flesh rolled Over her frame And by squeezing And shimmering Her frolicking hips She pulled the bathing suit on [that damned swimsuit on] — gasping for air, she Pledged allegiance To the salad buffet, but Read more

Seeing Myself Through My Own Eyes
Fatty, fatty two by four, can’t fit through the kitchen door. Their names and faces are lost in history, but their words remain my constant truth. School yard chant buried deep under my skin, wrapped around my heart, that creeps through my brain, popping up like a boogey monster whenever Read more

A Piece On The Side
Dating married men, guys with serious girlfriends – I’ve been the piece on the side more than a few times over the years and ended up in a series of side relationships (and a long-lasting love triangle/ rectangle thing) that eventually led me to marry my husband, and then starting Read more