Tag: death

Chocolate Melted Hearts
I’m a rainbow sprinkles twist kind of girl, or BlackBerry Ice Cream straight from the dairy farm. So when exactly, at what precise moment did I grow a gaping sinkhole right above my sweet and bitter chocolate heart? You can’t keep piling unicorns, puppy dogs, and positive affirmations atop the Read more

Becoming Violet
There is a number, a precise hour, minute, second between the sun’s revolving door and the moon’s sparkly shine when the world grows quiet and lavender fields weep violet.

Silent Sky
I hear the breath of the earth surround me
as mud bubbles pop they sound
like the tension released
between my own two tucked in lips:
the opposite of a kiss.

The Heart Always Wants to Keep Beating
By the way, in case you didn’t know, one can live with half a heart, half a soul. Yes, the blood still flows thru veins, the legs still move, the pulse still pulses.
Isn’t that simply astounding?

Daddy, Dementia and Letting Go
“Celebrate more in life, even the little things. I didn’t do that enough.” —Herman Soichi Noji When I think about my father’s journey at the end of his life, the word that comes up is MAGIC. There were days in which his dementia took full force, and the nurses would Read more

Golden Years Heartache
The old man really loved his woman, clutching his arthritic hand around a curved cane confused without his love, lost without her. Mind decay, mixed with golden years heartache the love of his life tries to fade away, yet her lasting memory remains. I cry like a baby Read more

My Mother’s Death
My mother’s death was a shock at first. And then it was a relief. She was diagnosed with bone cancer on March 9, 2012. She died in the last minutes of March 21. How long she had had the bone cancer, her doctor would not suppose. What was known was Read more