Tag: depression

Love in the Time of Dementia
My mom desires a closeness with me now that she never did when I was young. I’d long suspected my mother didn’t embrace parenting in that fervent, born-for-this way that some of us do. Still, I was stunned the day she actually confirmed just how trapped she’d felt in the Read more

Seeking Full-Time Depression
I am seeking a confidant, a loser like me. My pre-requisites are simple. I desire a lack of ambition. I am looking for self-loathing. This depressant-applicant should come pre-equipped with a heart that is worn and long faded away like a hundred shipwrecks. His or her life shall be in Read more

After Death of Birth
I found my death when I gave a life, but life played a trick on me. She brought back my ghost to live in a body that talks and thinks, of skeletons that breathe; a body that can not make sense of what I say, then collapses in the exhaustion, Read more

Music Makes The World Go Round
A Simon and Garfunkel record plays in the background as the clock announces that it is past midnight. I am not tired at all. It must have been all that coffee I drank earlier or perhaps – like any other parent – I stay up late because this is only Read more

Here Inside the Mirror
There comes an age when screwing up is not cute anymore. You know that, because people are constantly telling you. It’s not cute anymore, Raleigh. My name is Raleigh, by the way; Raleigh of Boston, Massachusetts. Although to be fair, my mother is from Raleigh the actual city, so it Read more

Misplaced Words
Silence after silence sets my mood. I circled the roots of life stumbling again only to be resurrected by a brand new day hoping the sunlight will amend my woes. A rare sweet hot December air fills the room, rare indeed. Enter the chilling sensation of the routine, because without Read more

Grief in Edinburgh
Butterflies stopped visiting the meadow the year your light went out. Daffodils were joyless and sadness weighed down the Barn owl’s flight. The sun struggled to do it’s yellow best, the moon simmered in shock. One hundred fireworks refused to shower the night sky with color, rain was colder and Read more