Tag: Diet

SkinnyMint Me
I want to be like Barbie (I bet she drinks tea, not just any other tea, it’s got to be S k i n n y M i n t, TeaTox). #DareToBeGorgeous #DiscoverTheNewYou The skinny’s in the mint. There’s mint in the skinny. Don’t you see? This tea, it burns fat, boosts Read more

I F*cking Hate My Body
Excerpt from the memoir Fat, Girl, Skinny I fucking hate my body, and I’m tired of pretending I don’t. I buy dresses, hike them up above the knee, feel the swoosh of them on the back of my thighs, but cannot forget the purple inky veins slinking across my skin. Read more

FC Low Carb Challenge: Week 6 – Taking Care of YOU!
When was the last time you did something just for you? If you’re like most of us, that answer is hard to come up with. I’m not talking about getting your hair done or buying that latte when you probably shouldn’t have. I am talking about doing something that has Read more

FC Low Carb Challenge: Week 5 – I Want Candy!
These last few weeks we have been doing a lot of talking about what’s right and what’s wrong to eat while low carbing. This week I want to talk about … Candy! Yes, I said candy. Once you get through the first 7-10 days, the period we call sugar detox. Read more

Low Carb Challenge: Week 4 – Screwing Up
This week we have been learning about making it or breaking it. I know, I keep saying this, but I can’t stress it enough … Low Carb is a lifestyle, not a diet. If you’re on a diet and screw up, you just dust yourself off and try again. With a Read more

Low Carb Challenge: Week 3 – Favorite Things
Big things are happening in our third week of the Feminine Collective Low Carb Challenge. Our FC group and our at home challengers are finding their way, getting in the groove, and learning how to low carb successfully. It’s a whole new lifestyle, and it takes a little getting used Read more