Tag: elizabeth regen

Get Off Your iPhone!
We meet at a quaint coffee house where the vibe is European and being there makes you feel French. We are getting together for coffee. Double Mocha Latte’s – iced. It should be nice. It should be fun. We haven’t seen each other in awhile. You texted me last night saying Read more

Little Dave “Argue” 1997
a creative madness soaks my conscience pulsing emotion wets me up i panic with the breaking of the news i unsuccessfully reach back in time to grab the facts an attempt to change them a pathetic, bleeding hope to remove them to reform my eternal reality I WANT FOR IT Read more

First Try
Vague, repetitious, harrowing flashbacks – And wondering if it’ll ever happen again. Why not? If it did before and then again, Even in the mean times and always in the ever after? Realizing and Rationalizing – Roller coasters on a roof top during an External Blizzard Internal Blizzard And a Read more

White Knucklin’ it.
Straight stiff upper lippin’ it. No tears allowed—stay proud no matter how loud the noise in your head becomes. No money? It’s not funny. Watching them peruse your sanctuary as if it’s for sale. They redirect your mail. You have to keep telling yourself this is not a #fail. Right? Read more

High School Teen Age Dreams
So, it’s 1992 and I was thinking about you as I lined the last of my lid – put my hoop earrings on, shouldered the Jansport – I’m gone — way before Paris, my tiny white dog’s name was Kid. My hair is all crunchy, wet, long and curly … Read more

On My Mind
I feel like a bullet- I could rip through you … with no memory of how I killed you. Skip through your skin like pins so thin- because you crossed me. Lost me. While you scurried around in your LA way- Big Sunglasses. Worked out Asses. But you’ve got nothin’ Read more

Manners: Why Our Kids Need to Learn Them
I went to Catholic school. We had to, of course, wear our uniforms. Starched white shirts, pleated burgundy plaid skirts and burgundy sweaters with the top button buttoned, and the collar of the shirt pulled out over the sweater. We had navy blue school shoes that my mother bought at Read more