Tag: elizabeth regen

Towering Trees
those towers were trees they were strong in the breeze and they were in my backyard. those towers were mine they made me feel fine when I was lost and they were the light house in the distance. those towers were strong but I knew all along they’d go down Read more

The Most Successful Way to a Lovers Heart … is a Lost Art
When I was 11 years old, I bought a red journal that was covered with little Teddy Bears. It had a gold lock and a single gold key. My mom bought it for me, on a rainy Sunday on the corner of Barclay Street at Hallmark. Right across from the Read more

6 Good Reasons I Can’t Always Pick Up my Dog’s Poop
A question for animal lovers and dog owners everywhere: How many times have you left your dog’s defecation on the grass or on the sidewalk or in front of someone’s house and walked away not picking it up? Days or nights when you are walking down the street with your dog and suddenly he/she Read more

Happy. What is Happy?
An Unhappy Perception I hate that Pharrell song, “Happy!” Every time I hear it, I cringe. I want to pull my stereo system out of my car. (Is it even called a stereo system anymore?) I think Pharrell is antagonizing with his lyrics. “Because I’m happy—Clap along if you feel Read more