Tag: goals

Ghostly Streets
You stand still not knowing what to do. Waiting waiting waiting waiting For some type of sign, some Bat signal in the sky. Telling you to take a leap of faith through ghostly streets. Your shadow tries to beckon, get you to move an inch. But you just keep looking Read more

What Are You Waiting For?
What are you waiting for? You, yes you. The one sitting there pondering the universe, your life and its relationship to it all, but doing nothing about it. What are you waiting for? Every day is a new day loaded with possibilities. Yet you set there, nose buried in a Read more

The Messenger
Brian Gardner parked the BMW in the empty lot. He had never come to the park this late to run but Professor Davis insisted on seeing him before the break. “Focus seems off this term, Gardner. Is anything wrong?” Of course nothing was wrong, just planning a wedding while attending Read more

What’s the Next Chapter in Your Story?
9/11 Somber day. Reflective. Life, at every stage, is temporary; delicate, like a piece of rice paper. It occurred to me a few days ago—as I viewed an alarming news report on two, every day folk who (unbeknownst to them), ate tainted cucumbers this past week and consequently died—that it Read more