Tag: lonely

I spend most nights smoking parliaments in my parents’ hot tub, watching the smoke blend with the steam. Losing sight of which is which, of who I am, of what I need. The media tells me, thin bones, thick skin, long fingernails, short text messages, short skirts, tall stilettos. But Read more

Without You By My Side
I look for you in the hidden dustiest corners of a colorless life. And when I don’t find you there, I die a little more; one breath, one heartbeat at a time… I make my way through life like a blind man seeking his way through darkness. Crashing into things, Read more

Our Stories Unite Us
He had spent some time in prison. Today, he was standing in my kitchen. Only two years older than I, deep heavy grooves etched into his face clearly showed his road in life had been rougher than mine. Or maybe I just hid mine better? Hired him to demo my Read more

The Fat Girl’s Guide to (not) Getting Pregnant
Step One: Want it. For years, I imagined Emily following me around with a blanket in her arms like Linus from the Charlie Brown cartoons. Her hair would fall into black ringlets that dripped to her shoulders like water. She would never grow over two feet tall in my mind. Read more