Tag: self-confidence

I think my love language is all of you it does not even exist to write it down. I do not know how I function with my guts pulled apart by life. People leave, then they come back changed, a new unsuspecting death surrounding them. They introduce their partners as Read more

You are more than the size of your jeans
Being in my 40’s, my size has changed from decade to decade, all women’s do. That’s what is glorious about being a woman. We can change and adapt for what we have to accomplish … our bodies do that too.

I’m Fabulous (According to Supermodel Cheryl Tiegs)
When Cheryl Tiegs – yes, supermodel Cheryl Tiegs — gave me a hug and said that I looked fabulous in my new dress and polished makeup, well, that was something I never could have dreamed of as a trans kid spending their life hiding as a boy. I also couldn’t Read more

I’m Tired of Being Scared
Have you ever said that to yourself? Admitted that you were exhausted by your own combative thoughts that have consistently held you back? Felt worn down by your need to think through all of the possibilities before you act? Enough is enough. You have to stop being your own worst Read more