One Day, the Pain May Be Useful to You

Useful. Now that’s a word I despise. Over the years, during numerous times of personal distress, I’ve heard the same, mundane, uninvited advice: “One day, the pain may be useful to you.” My reply to this ridiculous guidance? BS! How could pain ever be useful? Clearly, I understood the definition Read more

Coming Home to Joy

When I tell my friends in Puerto Vallarta that I am returning to Minneapolis, they think I am crazy. “The weather changes here on October 15th; I can guarantee it,” Ted, owner of the cigar shop, tells me. “It’s like a curtain comes down on the humidity.” “It’s paradise here Read more

How to Lose All of Your Friends in 5 Minutes

So how does one lose all their friends in 5 minutes? Well, it’s not that hard actually. Just tell them the truth, that’s it.But please don’t be fooled, this is easier said than done and it will, of course, have its consequences. I myself have yet to do this, but Read more