My Misunderstood Vagina

This is the story of how my life changed when I discovered that my vagina is an entity unto itself. My personal experiences have lead me to believe that it can be dangerous to be a woman. Welcome to my version of The Vagina Monologues. Everyone has the journey of a Read more

Clearing the Air in the Friend Zone

He was Romanian, and I was smitten. A junior. Joint majoring in Linguistics and Psychology, Valentin was anything but ordinary. Quiet and shy, it had taken me an entire semester to get to this point. Just when I thought this friendship was going nowhere fast, he surprised me. The second Read more

Cradles Long Forgotten

Heavy minutes rhyming on her white wall, crying, flailing, slowly falling down like trickles of blood pooling around everybody’s eyes, around everybody’s smiles, but everybody smiles. Her fingers walk across the marble floor, nails scraping and tongues bending like half-empty dresses hung inside a closet. Boots, now worn, lie sullenly Read more