You wrecked the party
I was having fun, we had driven for hours
You played the same card as usual
I was angry, your timing was dire
You always tried to out-insecure me
I was insecure, too
You said “I’m not worthy of you”
I said “Fuck, not this again”
You had tears in your rejected-puppy-dog eyes
I strode to the car in a tantrum
You were afraid and didn’t want to lose me
I was unyielding with my silent treatment
You tried to melt the frost in the car by talking
I drove, sulking and ever-resolute
You unzipped your jeans and grabbed my wrist
I was driving into the black, midnight countryside
You laughed, trying to force my hand onto your hard cock
I snatched it away, how dare you?
You didn’t give up, desperate to break the tension
I felt scared we might crash in the darkness
You slid your hand beneath my dress, into my underwear
I screamed at you, trying to shove you away
You pushed your fingers inside me
I screamed louder for you to stop
You saw no harm, and just wanted me to want you again
I stayed with you for another year
You invaded my space that night
I didn’t want you to – I told you so
You were wrong to do that to my body
The Fight

I so appreciate your kind words & encouragement, Cee – thank you,
When others write so courageously, it inspires me to try.
Thanks so much Rach, truly grateful for your support, as ever.
I’m learning that writing doesn’t fix the past, but definitely loosens its grip.
Always so brave, Judith. Thank you for being so willing to open yourself up so honestly.
Oh, honey — this makes me so sad and mad for you! What an invasion. Thank you for writing so honestly about what happened. These moments stay with us.